I think we did it

Domonique • Little bundle Nov 2017 😊😊
Okay so my boyfriend and I had sex on the most optimal day to conceive during my fertile week. About a week later I had some light spotting. Now AF was due 3 days ago and she's still a no show and no signs she's coming. But the past couple of days I've been feeling really weird. I'm constantly tired even if I sleep all day walking tires me out faster than normal. I took off my bra and my boobs were aching and they seem slightly bigger. I've been having this weird feeling in my uterus area. Like idk how to explain it it feels like pressure or something is there and all I wanna do is eat hot wings and sleep. I haven't had any cramps either if I did they been extremely light. I wanna test but I'm scared I'm going to get a BFN. My boyfriend has been extremely tired and hungry lately too he thinks I'm pregnant. I just don't wanna have to tell him that the test was negative if I take one again. But this time is different from all the other times when I think I'm having a bowel movement all I do is pee and I think I'm slightly constipated......I need help lol