advice I'm ranting lol

Other halfs family really peeing me off!!! His brothers got a new girlfriend and I said when she was born
Don't think ya brothers coming round with her I said I'm feeling vulnerable and I'm not having a stranger in my house meeting Eva when I don't even no her!!!! Made it very clear!!! He's phoned him yesterday and said do u mind if Lauren comes hubby was like yeah no problem!l it'll be nice to finally meet her I went Are you fucking kidding me and he's told his other brother to come at same time who I had anxiety about him coming anyway but it's his niece end of day just find him creepy around kids so now I've got to make the effort with myself i said I've just given birth for god sake I don't want someone I've never met in my house I carried her for 9 months surely it gives me some right who I want to meet her and strangers aren't one yes it'll. r nice to meet her but just don't feel ready I wanna look nice and be in right frame of mind Imagine if His brother goes do u want to hold her to someone I don't even no!!! Am I over reacting or being hormonal feel like he's just gone behind my back when I made it clear I didn't want her around yet???