No pictures on social media

So, after a lot of thinking back and forth we decided to not post pictures of our baby girl on social media. I am not talking about a hand/foot/ear or her from the back (e.g. when I am holding her) but we say no to full front face pictures. Yes, a lot of babies change a lot in the first few months but others don't and already look like themselves shortly after birth.
Now I would like to post an announcement (I secretly call it warning in my head) on my own social media accounts, that we don't want her on it and to please respect that. My MIL has a tendency to literally post everything and doesn't ask. She gets pictures send from my brother- and sister-in-law and just posts them - and I am not okay with that. Also I don't want her talking her own pictures and post them (she can take pictures but without posting them of course).
Now: does anyone have a picture of a quote? And I don't mean the ones for us being the first ones to post but something about not posting at all?