Vaccination question


I just realized my son's 2 month appt was scheduled for the day after I return to work. I can't take a half day already on my second day back so I called to see if I could change it and got the first date they were able to offer. He'll be nearly 2.5 months though by the appt (2 months and 13 days, to be exact. Or 10.5 weeks). The girl on the phone who scheduled it assured me that was fine but I'm still concerned because obviously this is am important appt, getting his first shots. Can anyone reassure me if that still seems okay or if I should really be pushing for them to fit us in closer to 2 months somehow?

Don't bother lecturing me if you're anti-vaccine, my kid is getting these shots regardless of anything you can try to say, I'm just worried about the time frame please :)
