RANT - daycare wasting breastmilk

So, normally my 3 month old takes 3 - 5oz bottles (every 3hr) at daycare with the last one being at 4:45, and she's picked up at 5:15.  Well, today I was going to be able to pick her up at 4:45, so my DH left instructions that I would be there early and to try to not feed her around that time so I could feed her when I picked her up.  However, instead of giving her 2 - 5oz bottles & letting me nurse her for her third feeding, her caretaker took those instructions as feed her all 3 bottles as close together as possible.  She even said she was having trouble taking the 3rd bottle - because she wasn't hungry!!!!  Grrrrr... I'm already stressing about keeping my supply up for her everyday & I was hoping to just freeze that third bottle for later.  Her caretaker must not have breastfed her children, because she apparently doesn't know how precious every drop of that liquid gold is! End rant. 😊