Dairy Rant

Tay ❤️
I truly do not understand how a mother who has experienced the miracle of birth, having her baby placed in her arms for the first time and has had to learn to breastfeed, with all the pain and frustration that can result from that could support the dairy industry in good conscience. I guess most people aren't aware of what goes on or choose to turn a blind eye. A mothers milk is for her babies and every mother should be able to decide for HERSELF whether or not she will breastfeed. It's such an intimate act that should only involve mother and her babies, no one else should be able to distate how and when she breastfeeds. I see countless women on here ranting about how upset they are that other women have given unsolicited advice on breastfeeding, or tried to bash mothers who choose not to breastfeed and I wonder how they would feel if they were forced to give milk for someone else's profit and pleasure. Every drop of milk sold is one that was stolen from a growing calf and that honestly sickens me. I get that men usually don't understand but women, who have experience the emotional roller coaster of motherhood should think twice before purchasing dairy.