Miss Ellie, our rainbow baby, is here!!

Megan • Happily married. One 2015 angel baby, little girl born Sept 2016, & one due June 2019.
I'm super late at posting but Ellie Katherine made her way into this world on Monday 9/26/16 at 3:34PM via emergency c-section. I labored for 50+ hours. Ended up needing pitocin and got an epidural (mind you I wanted to try a natural birth) but wasn't progressing well still and our baby's heartbeat kept dropping and/or being lost. My ob called for the OR and our baby girl was delivered within 5 minutes. She was in distress from the cord being wrapped around her neck and she was "sunny side up" or facing the wrong way. If I had tried to push we would have lost her and I could have had serious injuries or complications. While I'm still processing everything that happened and not thrilled I had to do everything I didn't plan on to get my baby in my arms it is all so completely worth it. 
She's a perfect baby and we are in love!!!