caught husband cheating @ 36 weeks

I'm 36 weeks and I thought something was going on last week and then today the woman he's been cheating with told me herself. She didn't know he was married or had s baby on the way (or so she says) and I confronted him and he still denied it. When I told him I knew for certain cos I had spoken to her, he then turned it on me and dissapeared and I haven't heard from him since. 
We literally just had a deep heart to heart about if he wanted to make things work (he's been acting crazy lately and I just thought it was baby anxiety) and we were on the same page about making things better but that very night he picked a fight so he could run off to be with her. 
I am so confused and hurt and alone. My family hasn't been supportive this whole pregnancy and his are total enablers. I have no one to talk to and I'm so scared. I could have this kid any day and all of a sudden my world is Upside down. I don't know why to do and I need some support. 
Has anyone been here? I don't even know what I want right now. I've heard this isn't that uncommon, did anyone work it out? Will I ever get the truth about it from him? Am I going to have to Do this totally alone with no time to prepare? How do I keep it together? I feel totally shattered please any support advice stories of your own might help me not feel so alone.