Depression and pregnant.

Husband and I seperated recently. I'm pregnant and we have a son. It was supposed to be short lived but now there's no fixing us. I've been down but was still functioning but I just can't anymore. I'm to depressed to eat or drink I can only sleep with tylenol pm and my whole body and insides just ache. I know it's so easy to say focus on yourself or your son or think about baby that's what's important but honestly I can't this hurt is to high and to deep and to much. If your husband, your love, your comfort, your rock, your safe place, your heart, your reason to smile, the person who saved you from self destruction, your other half was gone...would it be so easy to go on? If you had to now face going it alone in the world while you miss that man so much it hurts to breath could you? We both have been failing in our marriage. We've both made mistakes bad decisions and hurt the other. He was just the one smart enough and strong enough to say the vicious cycle has to end. We forgave with out change nothing was getting fixed because we would be more concerned about going back to being happy. Now he's trying to do something that will force us to change so we can atleast be the best parents possible. I feel to broken. I don't know how to go on with out him.