Porn and Marriage! RANT!

I will not feel sorry about getting mad that my husband watches porn. I am not apologizing for giving an ultimatum about it. I am not going to just think that its okay when honestly whether or not a million women think it is acceptable or whether or not he does not know or will not ever meet the women on the screen! It is wrong. If i can be a great wife that doesn't look at porn ! That doesn't even look at another man whether on my tv screen or in front of me in anyway that i look at my husband. I would think that out of the love and respect i give to my husband, he should give it to me. And i know this post is going to get a number of women ranting about how i should let him look at it, blah blah blah! Well , lets remember.... before society decided that porn was an acceptable thing to watch! It was once Taboo, once a sin, once upon a time a horrible thing to do. Don't worry, i am not a bible bumper but im just stating the truth. Before society decided to change their mind, lower their standards and throw away their moral. It was wrong. So no , i will not apologize for my feeling. I am a women of my own mind and i have the right to feel the way i do. I will not go with the norm. I will always stick to my morals. If my husband can look at a women's body on the screen and think about her and get off to that. To me , he is not thinking about me, his wife. He is not thinking about my body and how beautiful i am. So no i wont apologize. But one thing that i will apologize is that i made this so long . Ahaha well thank for reading.

P.s. no hate toward any women that believe it okay for porn to be in their marriage. My view of marriage might be different of your. So please don't be offended. This is just my opinion.