Going off another post about intoxicated sex

Here is my story. When I was about to turn 16, I snuck out and meet two guys. I was real good friends with one of them and the other I knew from school but wasn't as close to(both 17) They had alcohol and so I began to drink. I drunk a lot, more than a 15 year old can handle for sure. I remember bits and pieces. I remember acting crazy and riding around with them. By the end of the night we were parked back where we started and I got in the truck bed. I don't remember how it started but I just remember laying there with the guy I barley knew inside me. I said stop a few times and he eventually did and I pulled my panties and skirt up then laid back down on the truck bed. My world was spinning. I was gonna get sick. I couldn't move, couldn't talk, I felt paralyzed. Then I remember feeling my good friend unbutton my skirt and trying to pull it down, when he was having trouble I heard him say to his friend, "help me out here" and his friend proceeded to take my skirt down to my knees. Then I passed out and woke up to them telling me I needed to go home. I never wanted scream rape, it never felt right bc I put myself in that position, I drank the jack Daniels without force or persuasion. It was my own decision. I will never forget that night and what it did to my reputation. The whole school found out and you can imagine what the comments and rumors I endured my whole sophomore year. (Plus I ended up having P.E with the guy I had sex with.😒)It was awful. But I took full responsibility and learned from it. I think it made me who I am today. I still don't see it as rape, they took advantage of me but I don't think I was raped. I've always wanted share my story and see what others think. Opinions are welcome. I have tough skin so be honest. Thank you.