How do you know?

I am 20 weeks tomorrow. How do you know if your depressed or not? My aunt keeps trying to tell me i am depressed but i keep telling her no that its just the hormones this is my second pregnancy. I am i stay at home mother with my 2 year old my husband works long hours everyday mon-thursday and works on Sundays. Ive just been sitting at the house, my husband stayed out him and his cousin to try and fix my car they stayed at his grandmothers last night. Our truck is messed up at the moment and he cant drive his work truck for personal reasons the only he has to drive right now is his motorcycle . I had a ultrasound/checkup Thursday and couldnt make it i had to change it to monday in hopes that my car will be fixed this weekend but now it wont. Me and brother and son were supose to go out to eat yesterday but he cancelled and promised me today we would go but cancelled again. I never get to see him. My husband will be gone all day hes out with his cousin trying to find what he needs for my car then after that they are going to a family birthday party. While i just sit at home by myself with my 2 year old ive been very emotional today. This is what i do day n and day out. Maybe im just feeling lonely i dont know but nothing is going my way. Any help on what you think i could be going threw or is it just regular pregnancy emotions. Sorry its so long!