What to do when you have tried everything!

My daughter is about to be 6 months old on Tuesday. I breastfed her until she was 6 weeks old and she had some spit up problems even then. Doctor kept saying if she doesn't seemed bother by it then it's fine. And has continuously gotten worse as she's gotten older. I have tried the added rice in the bottles, even the formula that already had added rice. I tried the sensitive formula and I've tried soy. She is still spitting up and I have noticed that she is starting to be uncomfortable after she eats formula. She is now eating mostly baby food since she is spitting all formula up! She is sitting up by herself and is crawling. If any one could give me insight it would be greatly appreciated. I plan to take her first thing Monday to the doctor, again. 
Oh, she also will spit up some of her baby food but not as much as her formula.