can someone please help me out here. I have this situation with my 5 year old step daughter


So.... Obviously and unfortunately my step daughter doesn't live with us. she stays with her mother. & We alternate between weekends since she goes to school, but I've been in this little girls life since she had barely turned 3. Given the time, I'll say I've known her for 3 years.

here is where my problem comes in. She DOES NOT CALL ME BY MY NAME.

trust me when I say I've tried. I've even sat down with her and asked her if she wants to give me a nickname. turns out she wants to call me "mom" but even with that... she still doesnt.

to grab my attention she points at me or starts the conversation by "aye" or "hey".

and to be honest... its getting me pretty aggravated. It honestly gets under my skin because I find it rude. when it comes easily to her step dad for her to call him "dad". before she started school we were alternating weeks, so we had her for a good amount of time. but Idk can someone help me out there???