getting fixed...

My husband and I were both set that after baby #2 who is 10 weeks now was born he would set up an appointment to plan for his vasectomy. Now that he has the referral and is ready to make the appointment I am having second thoughts... I feel like it's an expensive decision if one day we decided we want another child down the road. Of course insurance will most likely cover to have the procedure done but a reversal is expensive not to mention doesn't always reverse. Any other ladies have this done w their significant other and did you question you and your SO decision to get it done or did u make sure you were 100% sure when u did it? I know I don't want another child right now but I don't know if we will change our minds later.  I don't know if it's more of the possibility of another one is being put to rest or if I do eventually want another baby. Any experiences??