Bed time schedule for my kids.

natosha • Hey, I’m tosha! I’m now pregnant with my 6th child and still learning new things everyday. I’m taking online courses to be and ultrasound tech, but I’m mostly a stay at home mom. Just here asking questions like everyone else!💜
Ok, so I have a 3 and 2 year old and I'm pregnant with my 3rd. My girls both go to bed at 9:00 pm and they have since they were born, I've never slept with them, and I won't, well my mother in law says I'm a bad mom because I won't let them sleep with me and they are in there own room. They have a TV and a nightlight and everything is baby proofed. Now that I'm pregnant i plan on letting my son sleep in same room with me until he is 1, just like I did with my girls. But then he will be in a room by himself. Is that bad? My mil says it's child neglect?