is this normal?

A girl from a bank called my boyfriend one day inquiring about life insurance, he told her that he's not really interested in it right now but she pushed it a little farther (he never asked to be called about life insurance, or even hinted at it remotely, this was very random) she told him that she would call again soon to set up an interview over the phone. Anyway that happened, they had the interview thing, and now she, the girl from the bank, is going to his house to talk about his options and show him paperwork and what not. 
Is this normal? Like since when did banks go that out of the way to do this? and since when did they do home visits? Something just seems weirdly unprofessional about this, the girl on the phone even sounded unprofessional, like she's way to young to be working at a bank. 
We mentioned it to a few other people and everyone thinks this is either a scam, she wants his dick, or he's getting robbed. I have a really strange feeling about this.