Taking a break from Glow...

Hey ladies (and all other members of WOC CC)... I'm gonna be taking a break for the most part from this app for a couple weeks. 
Little update for me... We went in for our 8 week scan on Monday, and it looks like the embryo stopped growing at week 6. It sounds like I should have miscarried already but haven't, so I'm really just waiting to miscarry at this point. I was given a few options, but decided to go with having a D&C procedure on Thursday. I just don't think I could deal with actually experiencing a miscarriage and seeing everything come out of me. That would be too heartbreaking. 
I know it's going to take an emotional toll on me so the last thing I really wanna do is spend time on this app with all the negativity and frustrations it tends to bring. We'll begin trying again in maybe a month or so and I'm sure I'll be back to arguing with ignorant people in no time 😉. If anyone can offer advice, that would be greatly appreciated. Take care, everyone ✌🏽💛