I just need to vent.

Well apparently my boyfriend is being used against me as punishment because I'm failing math.
This is literally the first time my dad has even checked my grades all semester and he just assumes because I'm failing that I haven't been trying and that I just don't care.
Too bad I've actually been trying and I was in the process of bringing it up but I guess that doesn't matter.
My dad seems to not act like a dad when it comes to anything else. He won't buy me clothes when I need them, he won't take me to the doctor when I need to, he owns his own business and doesn't make sure that his children are covered where they need to be, he doesn't make sure that there is food in the house, I have to fend for myself. I don't have a job and I still have to find a fucking way to take care of myself because my father doesn't act like a fucking father until he wants to yell at me for something and try to control me in some way.
I literally don't have time for a job because I'm trying to graduate and I have to stay free schools most days. Oh for what? My fucking grades.
All my clothes I have bought for myself and they all have holes in them. My phone, I had to nag him to get me because he would get mad when I would leave the house and not respond to him when he texted me because I needed wifi to see his messages. (I had gotten myself an iPod because I couldn't afford a phone) Even then, I had to make an agreement with him that I'd work for the phone but he won't let me. He just keeps saying that I owe him for the phone but he won't tell me what I have to do.
So if I need money for anything else he just brings up the phone and says no.
When I was 14 him and my mother decided that I should get braces so they split the payment in half so I could get them. I was only supposed to have them for 2 years, but about a year in my dad stopped paying for them.
I am now 18 and I have broken braces in my mouth that haven't been adjusted in about 3 years because my dad refuses to pay to get them removed.
But just fuck me, right? I have a 66 math. Even thought it's literally just 4 points that I've most likely already made up. But hey, it gives him an excuse to try to take away the only thing I have away from me so he's going to take that chance.
Because that's all he does. He doesn't give his children what they need, he just tries to take away what they have because he can't control anyone else but his children because they are under his roof.
He's a controlling fuck and it seems if he gets in an arguement with my step mom and she won't let him control her he just takes it out on me. He just tried to randomly control me because he can.