Maybe it's not PPD; maybe I just don't like my husband.

I can't say anything without being told to stop crying, to grow up and get over it, and to stop being negative.

Because recovering from an unplanned c-section, having no help with housework so being in pain from doing it myself, being exhausted from being the only one to care for Baby day and night, and my body hurting from being literally drained every two hours by baby and a pump is being "negative" to the point that you "can't deal with it". Right.

Sure, I'm not a peppy happy-go-lucky person but answering "I'm hurting" when asked if I'm okay is NOT being negative. Not wanting anyone to visit because I'm overwhelmed and I don't want anyone seeing the mess or being upset because I can't or don't have time to clean does NOT mean I should just get over it. Not being able to stand anymore and asking for a few minute break because our baby isn't feeling well and has been up for hours and just wanting 5 minutes to use the bathroom is NOT a reason for you to flip out. Being heartbroken because you said you don't want our child growing and being depressed like me is NOT a time that you should tell me to shut up. Hurting because you're not there for me the way I need you to be shouldn't be when you tell me to stop being a baby. Crying silently because you make me feel like I can't talk about my feelings or even state a fact that just happens to be negative is a scary feeling. Cursing and calling me names is not acceptable and screaming that you hate me is not okay.

Wondering if I can do this anymore has nothing to do with my baby and DOES have everything to do with you.