Is this normal or potential postpartum anxiety?

I do not feel depressed, and I feel very bonded to my baby, but I keep having intrusive thoughts and paranoia. I'm 2 weeks postpartum, and I can't sleep even when I'm exhausted because my mind races. I keep envisioning waking up to my baby dead, even when dad is watching him. I try to force the thought from my head and tell myself it will be ok, but it keeps popping up. If he's in the room I have to hear him breathing or I panic. It takes me at least 45 minutes to fall asleep because my thoughts race with these horrible what ifs. What if he broke his swaddle and his nose is covered? What if he just stops breathing and I wasn't paying enough attention? What if I did something wrong without knowing? How would I ever live with myself? It makes me cry. I'm a nervous wreck, afraid to be out of the room even to go to the bathroom. 
Is this just normal first time mom worries? It doesn't feel normal, it feels like I'm choking back tears constantly because of the unwanted visions. I love my son so much, I don't know what to do about this.