just really stressed or am I depressed

I feel like I'm always snippy with my SO and I am... I don't know why I'm being like that. I've got a lot that I'm dealing with trying to keep up with breast feeding and I've started back to work I've been broke and not been able to pay my bills and sometimes I'll just stop and think about everything and lose it.. I can't stand to look at myself in the mirror let alone let my SO see me naked.. I feel so nasty. I have this jiggly stretched pudge and I feel disgusting... I have no sex drive what so ever and I feel so bad for him but I just can't bring myself to be excited for sex.. I hate it... We finally had sex since I gave birth and he wanted me on top and I wasn't sure about it bc we started out with me bent over on the bed and it was uncomfortable slightly painful... It felt different not bad different though. And he had offered to help pay my car insurance and I just couldn't and wouldn't let him... He was so bothered and almost offended by it... Today we got in a huge fight bc I went through his phone and it just stirred everything up... I trust him with all my heart and I didn't find anything I don't know what I was thinking... But now he's the one who feels like he needs to worry about me like I'm the one with a guilty conscience. But that's only bc when I met this wonderful amazing man that literally swept me of my clumsy feet I told myself that I'm not going to screw this one up.. So I was honest about stuff as they came up and I had told him I cheated on two of my exes in the past so now he feels like I'm hiding something from him and I'm not. And swore it to him and I put that on him, on us and our baby girl bc he asked me to put it on something.. But it's the truth I've NEVER DONE anything with anybody... But he seems to not believe me.. And idk how to get him to believe me... And as far as being snippy I think that inside I know I'm struggling and I'm stressed but I'm trying to keep it looking contained and that I'm fine on the outside but I think it's starting to catch up to me.. I mean it's the only thing I can't think of as to why I would be on edge like I am. I need advice I needed to vent. If you read this and followed it bc I did kind of jump around. Just my brain is all over the place... And I just don't know what to do... It's getting so bad that he's admitted to not wanting to be around me sometimes... It's getting old for him and he's sick of my attitude.. And it's so bad that it just rolls right ON out I don't even notice it.. I'm so upset about everything... Please any advice or words of encouragement would be greatly appreciated...