Updates on September 2nd babys ?

kiana • FTM|19 Years Old|Expecting A Little Baby Boy To Arrive In September|DD 09/09/16|

My Dd was september 13 But My beautiful flawless baby boy was born September 2nd @ 2:55 am 7lbs 6oz 20 inch long ! I was in labor for a total of 24 hours I got the epidural after 12 hours which only worked for about 45 minutes & I ended up feeling everything again & I couldn't breathe so we took out the epidural & I ended up finishing labor & delivering NATURAL .

He is now two months weighs in @ 12lbs 4 oz

23 inch long

He holds his head up but sometimes gets lazy , he coos a lot and is super clingy and always wants his mommy (I'm more than okay with that) . he laughs smiles giggles and is super ticklish already , he loves loves looooves baths and starts to kick in the water. I'm definitely missing being pregnant but super happy with my LO 😄. How are you're babies growing ? Pictures please 😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😘😘 #HawaiianFilipinoSpanishBaby💙👶