
I've always had anxiety, use to bite my nails, til a year ago, now I chew the skin around my nails, my lips, I scratch at my head. December of 2015, two weeks after my wedding, I felt like I was going to pass out, but I knew I just had coffee, so it couldn't have been my low blood sugar.. for about 4 hours this went on.. I was at work, a very dangerous factory at that.. concrete floors, gave my self an anxiety attack so bad my face was moving to the right side of my face.. weird? I know. But what could've been wrong with me? I still haven't gotten an answer. My husband made me fight through it because I was suppose to be his little soldier.. I still to this day can't for the life of me figure out what's going on.. I've posted so much of my problems on here. I force myself to go to work when I don't want to get out of the house. Unless I'm with him. I'm 23 years old and my anxiety has taken over. I go to work and have dizzy spells for no reason? Idk what it is. Some ppl say Vertigo.. idk. I just started working so I could get me some insurance going. I see black dots on my eyes when I look at something white.. what that could be idk? My eyesight is getting bad, but doesn't most ppls? I'm scared that I'm dying. I'm scared that it's serious. I'm scared to know the real answer as to what my issues are. I seem crazy. But I'm just scared. My father died from a heart attack at 24.  He had epilepsy, my older brothers have had heart attacks and have epilepsy.. my heart is so far so good at what my heart monitor said this past summer as I was having what felt like fluttering in the chest.. I'm paranoid. Nothing calms me down. I just have to pass through whatever dizziness I'm going through as I'm having to keep myself from having anxiety attacks in the mean time.. I've walked out of jobs bc I'd have an 'episode of feeling like I'm going to pass out'. My husband loves me true enough but when I feel like I'm at the end he says nothing's wrong with me.. idk maybe I'll have answers soon. I want to become a mother but not with my emotions now.