"Black Lives Do Not Matter"


Last night I had the misfortune of encountering a video that someone recorded of a very ignorant man's rant. In the beginning of this video, a white man, who is hopefully jobless today, is seen approaching the car of a black man and his family repeatedly saying "Trump 2k16".

As the video continues, the man proceeds in telling the other man that "black lives do not matter", and they don't just start to matter because we say so. He said he needed "proof" that black lives mattered, and until he got that proof they basically did not matter. He then states the cause of this altercation, which was that the driver cut him off, and because he cut him off, he was a "n word" (he actually said the word). I only saw a snippet of the 4 minute long video on Instagram, and the full video that was on Facebook has been deleted.

I, personally, was beyond angry when I saw this video. I immediately thought of all the people on here that claim racism doesn't exist anymore and they we are just "making it all up". It's all so frustrating to me.

Have you seen the video? How did you feel when you saw it?