1 month left!

I can't believe that it's been 8 months already. I officially have 31 days, 1 month, left until I'm 40 weeks! & I may not even make it that far, who knows! 
I may have posted about this before, but as excited as I am to meet my little buddy, I'm going to miss being pregnant so badly. 
I've been through some things while pregnant, making it difficult at times, but health & comforbility wise, I was extremely lucky.. So I understand why many mothers to be may not agree with me, but for me, these last 8 months have been such an intimate time with my little one, I'm sad that soon I will have to let that go. 
Never again will I feel his kicks from inside me, or feel that personal one on one bonding of him just growing inside me. 
Just makes me sad, definitely taking advantage of whatever time I do have left .. Cherish every kick & hiccup, keep him close while I can 💙👶🏽😌