Missed Miscarriage, taking cytotec tonight

Robin • Married since August 2015. TTC our first baby 👶🏻!
So this is my second consecutive miscarriage. The first one was either at 4 weeks or 8 (I had bleeding both times) so the doctors don't know. That was in June. Then I got pregnant 5 months later and I had absolutely no problems. I used the progesterone suppositories and everything was going smoothly. I had my first ultrasound on Monday and it was just an empty yolk sac, three times the size of normal. The baby has stopped growing at 6.5 weeks and I would have been 8.5 weeks. So I was faced with the decision to do a d&c or take cytotec. I even scheduled the surgery but cancelled it because I'm so afraid of risk to uterus. The pils sound terrible to me to but at least there's not major risks. 
Has anyone else been through multiple losses? Did you go through testing to see what was wrong? Any advice?