This is Jayden..❤️

I've posted about Jayden on comments just recently, but I want to give you the full story of Jayden..
This is my nephew, Jayden. He is 11 years old. Jayden was a perfectly healthy baby, but he got sick and misdiagnosed with the flu at 6 months old. He was in the hospital for 3 days with a doctor telling us Jayden just had the flu really badly, but he was having seizures everyday. My mom finally made them transport him to OU Children's hospital in Oklahoma City. Once he got there the doctors immediately started doing tests. They were in the middle of doing a spinal tap on him, when he had a 36 1/2 minute seizure which caused him to have a stroke. If the doctor at the hospital he was originally at ran proper tests and actually cared, he wouldn't be this way.. Jayden is mentally and physically handicapped. He got his first surgery at a year old. He was having 30+ seizures a day. Nothing would make them stop. I was 9 years old when this all happened. I was terrified. Jayden is my first nephew. Jayden was diagnosed with Encephalitis which is an inflammation of the brain. Jayden had brain surgery when he was 7 years old in hopes of stopping his seizures. That only made them worse. He has a feeding tube, he's bound to a wheelchair, he can't talk, walk, or use the bathroom on his own. He's 11 years old and has the mentality of a 6 month old.. Jayden is my life. He changed my life for the best. My sister abandoned him after he became sick. My mom got full custody of him so both of us have raised him. Jayden is a fighter. He has never given up no matter how hard his life has been. Jayden gives me hope and a reason to live on a daily basis. ❤️❤️❤️