Good thing I didn't have a birth plan


So I went in to be induced at 41 weeks 6 days. Doctor was worried cos am a first time mum measuring 2 weeks ahead. Cervical check was done and apparently I have a very posterior cervix. Doctor said it's as posterior as it cld get and I was only fingertip dilated.

In went the cervidil. 12 hrs later. No change just some minor contractions.Cervidil repeat. 12 hrs later still no change. OB said to give oral cytotec. 6 hrs later. No change. Then pitocin was given on Day 2. Contractions were coming hard and fast every 2-3 min. I thought this was finally it. Baby's heart rate kept going up or flat lining. OB came to do a cervical check and still no change. At all.

So in to the theatre we went for a Csection. Was given the epidural and it was the worst. I felt like a slab of meat. Now I understand why some mothers birth naturally. I actually felt claustrophobic. Just lying there. Not know what's happening down my body. I felt so vulnerable and exposed. Less than 30 min later I met my beautiful baby girl. I just cried when I heard her voice. FTM and I never understood Wat being a mom means. The instant love and connection was amazing. I am now in recovery and it sucks so bad. I pray pray pray I can have a VBAC my next baby if we can figure out why I never dilated.OB promised me he did a csection that wld allow a VBAC.

Anyways to say she's all worth it is an understatement. Meet Lo

Born 10:11 am at 11/17/16.

Weighing 8lbs 3oz and length 19.25 in.