what's your favourite picture of yourself that someone else has taken?

I HATE when other people take pictures of me. I've struggled with my weight my whole life and it takes a miracle for me to pose for a full body picture and actually like the outcome. Most of the time I won't even look at it. I much prefer selfies or things I can be in control of. Double chin? Delete. Pimple? Delete. So on and so fourth.
Recently on a trip to the botanical gardens my boyfriend took a lot of pictures of me. Some I knew about. But a lot I didn't. When the day was over I asked him to "let me see what they look like!" To which he replied "don't delete any!" ... he knows me too well.
I took one like at the pictures and I didn't tear myself down. I didn't care about if something was out of place or I looked this way or that way. I just looked happy. He just made me feel so wonderful and I was appreciating the time we had together. We are in a LDR, anytime together is a blessing. So thank you Michael for always making me feel so beautiful and loved.
Here are a couple of the pictures I feel so great about. I want to see yours! What pictures of yourself do you love ?