No embryo yet

Hi All,
Feeling discouraged today as I had my first ultrasound at what should have been 7 weeks 5 days, according to the first day of my lmp. I was going to be due July 7. 
The doctor did both an abdominal and transvaginal ultrasound and saw a good gestational sac, but no embryo yet. They think I am either further behind than we thought, or I am about to miscarry.. she told me not to be surprised if I started to spot or bleed.
They have me coming back for another ultrasound in 9 days to see how everything is progressing. Best case scenario is that I don't have any spotting or bleeding and we see a little baby next week. 
By the way this is my first pregnancy. So everything is new to me. Prayers are needed. Has anyone gone through this before? Any guidance is helpful.