Resentful toward husband

Hi ladies, I am finally coming to grips with the fact that I may have PPD at 6 months PP, but the weird thing is I haven't felt this way up until recently (probably last month or two). Sadly, a lot of what I'm feeling is anger and resentment toward my husband. Does anyone else feel that way? What helps you cope with that? He is a wonderful man and a great dad, but I just get jealous of him sometimes and I think I expect too much of him. I am mad that he never had to go through the struggles I did with labor, delivery, breast feeding, all the night wakings (he went back to work and I didn't, so after week 1 I was on night duty full time), etc. I get so envious that he gets to sleep until 7 am during the week and gets to go to work and socialize with other adults. It really wasn't worth it for me to go back to work, especially with an hour commute, and I don't regret not going back, but being a SAHM is hard for me most days. I think a big part of the problem is a lot of my friends don't have kids so I feel so alone in this parenting thing. I try so hard to try to tell him how I feel and ask him nicely to help me more, but most days I'm just so short with him and so moody. I don't ever want to have sex anymore either. I feel like when I try to explain to him how I'm feeling that he doesn't get it either. I feel like he really has no clue how hard it can be to be a SAHM. My daughter hated the car and would scream every time she was in it up until recently, so I felt either trapped inside all day or I'd have to hear her scream and it would put me in such a bad mood. She's also been a horrible napper and so many days I felt like I didn't have a moment to myself and would envy him for being able to get ready everyday and eat. Even now when he helps me on the weekend, I find myself not even appreciating what he does and complaining about what he doesn't do. I'm going to start seeing a counselor, but I just want to know if anyone else went through this and if you had any ideas to help...