Enlisting in the military at 25 with 2 kids

I am a 'single' mom. I put that in quotes because I'm technically single but my child's father is 100% active in their lives we just aren't together. I was planning to enlist summer 2017 and I will be almost 26. My kids are both under 5. I wanted to enlist when I was younger but I was married and started a family and took a different route. I was talking to my brother and he said I should go for it. I want opinions from others on why this is a good decision or why it isn't. I don't have any college degrees as I have worked my family's business and never went to college and I always wanted to. I will miss my babies so much so that's really been deterring me from going ahead with it 😔 
Edit: my babies will be with their dad ❤️