Vaginal delivery? Especially with modi twins (One placenta)

At 10 weeks my doc confirmed that the twins look mo-di:  One placenta and two amniotic sacs.  With this news, he said "looks like you'll be having a c section".   That threw me off.  After inquiring more, he said that if they are positioned correctly head down, then I might try for vaginal delivery but my chances would still be 50/50.  
Anyone else with mo-di twins hear the same or any differently from their docs?
I'm currently in the process of choosing between docs and the other one has a very low C-section rate (for normal pregnancies, that is, not sure about twins).  He hasn't seen me since mo-di was confirmed.  I'm wondering if the C section default is a good idea for everyone's safety or if the first doc is just C-section happy.