If You Were Me What Would You Do ?

Okay So Yes I Am 19 & Im Sexual Attracted To Older Guys I've Never Actually Had Sex With One Yet Because The Guys That I Find Attractive And Stuff Are Very Older Like My Dad's Age .. But That's Not The Point Okay So Last Night My New Guy Friend Called Me , He's Telling Me About Him And He's Trying To Convince Me To Come Over And I'm Like I Don't Know And So He Tells Me He's About To Shower And Go Get Him Some Food Keep In Mind That I Was Thinking About Ordering Chinese Food And Its Just A Coincidence That He's Going To Get Chinese And So I Tell Him That I Was Just Thinking About Getting Chinese And He Starts to Tell Me The Food He Might Order In hope of me changing my mind so he can come get me .. I was skeptical about it because it's Black Friday 8:30 at night and your trying to get me to come over and he said that if I was sitting in his bed he would sit on the floor to make me feel comfortable he would bring me back home whenever I wanted .. he doesn't usually say anything about sex until I say something about it .. he also gave me his address to give to a close friend , he was also in the military.. I want to give it a try but I don't know yet .. Help