TMI!! implantation bleed or period?

I have always had extreamly iregular periods but in june 2014 last year they became regular all the way to the the end off october witch has never happened then they stoped. (TMI BIT) I dont know weather I can class rhis as period but it started off as a brown watery discharge the first day then the second it was mostly browney coloured disgcharge with some blood just about enough to wear a tampon and then the third day it was back to watery brown discharge again only for 2 days tho. So im abit confussed because I am also extreamly tiered all the time. Im haveing some sort off dull ache not the period type off pain in my andomain and I have been haveing some lower back ache. Also headaches aswell as feeling a little sick some times just a little confussed about it all.

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