Abortion Law

So, even though I am pregnant and happy with my pregnancy, I'm angry that my state senate passed a law to ban abortion pasted the detected heart beat! I personally, would not get an abortion. BUT I feel like it's up to the mother (and father if applicable) if she wishes to have the child or not. But, how many people know they're pregnant before there's even a heart beat? I knew early but not everyone does. My cousin didn't know she was pregnant until almost 12 weeks! (She had the depo shot and was late getting her next shot so they tested her) she had no clue she could be pregnant. And she was young! She kept her baby and couldn't be happier but not everyone is like her! If a person can be on machines that breathe for you and be considered "alive" due to the remaining brain activity, why isn't it the same with a baby? Why isn't a baby probounced alive once it develops brain activity? It should work both ways! It just makes me mad that I live in a state that constantly wants to take away rights. We've already cut off funding to planned parenthood, now this! What's next? New gun laws? Probably. Sorry for the rant, I'm just really mad about this new law that they're trying to push into affect. If the baby can't live on its own without the mother, the mother makes the decisions for it. In my opinion anyway.