Quitting Job to be SAHM, sick kiddo.

my 9 month old infant constantly gets sick. and he is in an excellent daycare. he had had about 5 ear infections back to back. He now has ear tubes. He has had norovirus, hand foot and mouth disease, and now he has RSV and is on breathing treatments. Because of constantly getting sick and all the (7!!!) different antibiotics he has had in his life thus far he had lots of upset stomachs, lots of diarrhea, diaper rashes and all the other side effects of antibiotics (despite doing probiotics). He is often disinterested in food, never naps, and is up about 5 times per night. I feel like he is out of control. My husband and I have decided that I should quit my job and be a SAHM and help our son get healthy, start napping normally, start sleeping through the night, and start eating better. He needs a reset. I feel like we need a "do-over" button. My job is my dream job. But Im so exhausted I'm stressed and our family is over taxed. We are hardly making it through. I am afraid to quit. I'm terrified I'll regret it. I'll be bored as a SAHM or depressed by the isolation. But I got to quit. I have to focus on healing my little one. Right? Just scared and looking for confirmation that I'm doing the right thing. (My husband insists we can afford to go without my salary. We will just have to cut back on spending.)