Gods presence...please help :(

Lindsey • 20, married, and TTC for 1 year
Please read and reply, I am really needing some advice! I was not raised in a religious household, but I started going to youth group with a friend when I was 11 or 12. I believed in God for a couple of years, and was I felt his presence often. I can remember at least two instances where i actually was sobbing because his presence was so overwhelming. Every time I got little signs from God I KNEW it was God. I never questioned it. Now I am 19, and as strange as it is, after years of being an atheist, I met my fiancé and the overwhelming love I felt for him gave me a new outlook on life and love and my belief in God came back (although he is not religious). I am not perfect and I will admit I of course have sinned and still sin. I have been reading the Bible daily and praying daily. I have asked for signs that God is here with me and he has given me that. The other day before I went to bed I told God I really just needed to know he was there because I was struggling with even believing, but I did want to. The next morning my usual pop station was actually playing some Sunday morning Christian music...the car directly in front of me had a Jesus fish magnet and the car beside it had a very large Jesus sticker. I did view it as a sign, because all of those things happened at once. However I STILL yet am doubting God's existence and I don't feel all that emotional about God. I don't feel his overwhelming presence, I don't feel calm when I pray even...I just feel anxious and uptight and quite frankly, like I am talking to a wall. How do I fix this?! I reached out to God years ago as a kid and heard back and felt him moving in my life daily. When I prayed I was overflowing with love. Now I just feel...nothing. And I'm actually REALLY trying to talk to God now, even more than I was then. Sorry this was long but please give me any advice you may have for me! Thank you