Baby refuses to nap!

Ladies, for weeks now, my 7 week old has refused to nap during the day. I never get a break! 
Help! What ideas of worked for you for a daytime routine, or to get an alert baby to calm down and doze during the day? I spend all day controlled by my baby's lack of naps, constantly rotating feedings with efforts to get her to be drowsy and then sleep. Nothing seems to be helping, and I spend all day chained to the house, frustrated from a cycle of tiring and failed attempts to get her to sleep. 
Note - she has acid reflux, and breastfeeds about hourly.  I swaddle, use white noise, and put her down for a nap before she gets overstimulated, but she still won't nap. Do I continue to force naps and be held hostage to her lack of naps, trying repeatedly throughout the day? Or just give up on naps and move on with my day?
I put her down in her crib a couple times a day when she's drowsy, but she fights sleep and will cry and cry. I've tried comforting very 5 minutes, sort of a phased crying out, but it doesn't seem to help
as she'll be wide awake and alert. 
I've also tried napping in my bed with her, breastfeeding in the hopes that she'll fall deep asleep and then I can sneak away. But the moment I pull my boob out from her mouth, she'll wake right up. 
Help! I never get a break since she never sleeps, and breastfeed almost constantly... I'm losing my mind!