I'm so done with him.. (Venting)

So yesterday was the day I finally decided to talk to my SO about so many things. At the end I ended up realizing that the only one wasting time here was me. There's no way he's changing and he just keeps proving it. First of all doesn't seem to want to do anything about his baby mama. In the way of doing things to be able to see his kids/ visitation etc.  Second this one girl he now told me he was seeing before me keeps messaging him accusing him of doing so many things that even though he didn't do could get him into trouble. I told him file a restriction order or something he said no! And lastly how much money he spends on his baby mama and his mom! I know I probably sound dumb because it's his money but come on he pays all of their phone bills which comes to $200+ a month! I told him can you get them a cheaper plan like mine? My bill is only $30! And they don't even answer his calls/text when he wants to know about his kids. The only way they do is when they need more money! Like seriously?!  And he "says" his mom gives him money for the insurance which they have together but now I think he's lying. He's also working in another city now and only comes during the weekend yet he is paying full rent to his mom plus bills for things he isn't even using. I'm his fiancé the one he wasn't a future with and a family yet he isn't willing to make me feel like I'm even taking into consideration?! I'm so done... 😭