
I feel disconnected to my baby. Like I don't like him. I hate him. He has colic he cried all day and night. He's held up his head at birth he jumps out your arms hr rolls all over everywhere. I think he gets bored easily too I have to constantly do new things to keep him entertained. I'm doing this all by myself. When u say he cries it's at least 6 hrs a day of screaming bloody murder. He hits and scratches when I won't pick him up he pounds his legs in his swing. Everytime i eat he wakes up. He won't sleep in his crib, he doesn't like sitting still, and he just doesn't want anyone else but me. I am all tapped out. No one will go anywhere with me because he screams. I HATE HIM and I'm not cut out to be his mother. Postpartum depression yes I have it. Don't judge me.
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Posted at
I'm so sorry you are going through this! Have you seen a doctor yet? You really need to talk to someone about this. With proper medication and therapy you can get through these feelings!! I promise once you take care of yourself you will be able Connect with your child. He can feed off your emotion and energy and is reacting unfortunately to that. Do you have someone to watch him for a day or two so you can get a break and some sleep? Sleep deprivation can really also make you feel miserable! 


Posted at
Oh honey, start meds. You'll feel so much better. Ask someone to help you. A friend, family member, neighbor. You need to take care of you.  PPD is awful!!


Posted at
If you are on facebook look up the Fussy baby site support group and request to be added. I feel your pain. I am not suffering pp depression and I do love my baby girl but I am like you. I hate this baby stages where she cries non stop all day every day!! This page has helped me laugh and get through the day with absolutely no judgements what so ever!! And if u haven't sought help for your ppd. You should!!


Posted at
I am so sorry that you're feeling this way. I hope that knowing you have postpartum depression you're also seeking treatment for it. But ultimately, if you hate your child and you don't want to be his mother, you need to give him to a mother that does. Sign off your rights and give him back to the hospital or drop him at a fire station. They have safe drop laws that you can leave your child with no questions asked. I would rather that child be in the system than with a mother that has the potential to harm him because she's overwhelmed. With all that being said, I hope that treatment for PPD helps and you can find a common ground with your baby. A middle place where you can at least provide care enough and not hate him and that eventually you will grow to love him when you see that he is a part of you. I will be praying for you. Remember it's not his fault. 


Deb • Dec 18, 2016
Exactly angeli poor girl. Ppd is awful


Angeli • Dec 17, 2016
Give her child back to who? It's her child. I don't think she sounds extreme. Sounds like an extremely difficult baby w post partum depression on top of that. Hopefully getting help and a break will change things.


L • Dec 17, 2016
I'd also like to say that the reason I suggested she give her child back is because of all the horror stories you see about untreated PPD causing moms to harm their children or themselves. I would hate to see that happen. If left UNTREATED she is putting herself and her child at risk.


Posted at
That sounds so hard.  It is so stressful when your baby isn't crying 6 hours.  I don't know if youre getting help (counseling/meds), but I encourage you to if not.  


Posted at
See a dr. Honest I gave up Monday and went I was really bad. 6 days on and whilst I still have moments each day I feel 100 times better on the medication. I'm lucky in that I have an extremely good baby. However my first was hard work and I was on my own with him. So I know how you feel. Good luck. 


Deb • Dec 17, 2016
Ignore ridiculous comments too the way you feel is normal with ppd. once you get the help the bond will be unbreakable between you both.