Failed IVF: nothing to transfer at D5, but 10 relatively healthy embryos at D3... Anyone able to help me understand?


Hi ladies!

So this happened roughly a month ago now... We did our second round of <a href="">IVF</a> (after 3xIUI, and FET after first round) and we were so happy to know that we had 11 ovocytes and 10 fertilized, and progressed smoothly to D3 (original transfer day). We decided with the clinic to wait until D5 to have a better selection as our D3 didn't work in previous rounds. We were hoping to even have leftover to freeze! Well D5 arrives and we get a call from the biologist... no embryos. They all stopped developing at D4 :(

Anyone knows of such situation? We were devastated. On the bright side I thought it was better not to have a transfer than to hope for 2 weeks for a BFP and end up with AF...

I was reading something about the role of the lab environment were something could have gone wrong or the sperm DNA kicking in at D3 which might be fragmented. But DH is very healthy, doesn't drink or smoke so it seems unlikely. I am scared to start another round as I am loosing hope.