Preconception Visit With Midwife

Hello everyone, my husband and I have an 5 year old boy. My husband is deployed and won't be back until sometime next summer. We are both ready for baby # 2. Huge age gap it will be right? Well I want to take this time to prepare my body to carry baby # 2. My first pregnancy was horrible, I gained 77lbs, preeclampsia, high risk, high bp, gestational name a few. I had an emergency c section at 35 weeks. My pregnancy went downhill when I lost my mom and after that I didn't want to have no more children 💔I wasn't mentally stable after the loss. Now it will be almost 6 years and I'm officially ready. I'm a huge religious person and I believe I can do all things through Christ. This time I want to be as healthy as possible, so I decided to set up an preconception appt. I'm so excited about the preconception appt but I don't know everything to expect you know? If you have any helpful information or experience you would like to share please do so! Share ANYTHING helpful. I feel like it's been so long since I had a baby and I know things change. Also breastfeeding I didn't do that ugh 😑 I regret it. So you can share your experiences with that too! Thank you in advance!!!