Posted About Miscarriage on FB and inlaws making it about them

Kendra • Find your own happiness. Don't do what others expect of you. ~Baby Dust~
I posted about it on Facebook due to my family being overbearing and immature with other announcements. I couldn't handle the drama so I posted it there. I asked for privacy and for no complaints. I said that I was simply treating everyone equally so there was no drama in this hard time. I am then approached by my mil and called ungrateful and disrespectful and rude. She says I'm not allowed to hurt and I couldn't possibly undestand HER pain. I mean seriously!? Her pain? I pointed out that I was the mother not her and I felt the pain more than anyone and to quit making it about her. She then got angry and said that I'm being immature and acting like a high schooler. She said I must not feel any pain at all if I couldn't even tell her in person. I said the reasons why again and the fact that she gossips was a reason too. I told her how much I was hurting and that she needed to respect my need for privacy and my decision to announce it the way I did because it's my life and choices and I'm in mourning. I said she was being very cruel and self centered and that I needed support because my depression was and is coming back. She scoffed and said I didn't love this family and that I should support her in her loss of her grandchild and that I didn't get excited or feel a connection like she did. (She only new about the pregnancy for a week and everyone knows how much I wish to be a mother and of all my other miscarriages and the pain I feel) she dropped it after I burst into tears of pain and betrayal. Later my SIL calls my husband and calls us immature and goes on the same rant. We have the exact same argument again and now she won't speak to us and has returned all of my gifts I ever gave her and gossips about me behind my back. Why are they making my loss about them? I haven't even been left alone to grieve and I really need my privacy right now. They are being so self centered and they did this with everything. They even ruined my wedding to the point where we decided to elope. We were going to announce the elopement with a big reception but they had to snoop in public records and then announced it to everyone. My mil found out my pregnancy by accident and after us asking her to keep it quiet until Christmas immediately told everyone. I am so infuriated with all her behaviour and how she steals my announcements and makes them about her. My husband and I have decided to just not announce anything to anyone anymore as both our families are too childish to handle news and keep trying to force us into things. They will from now on learn through the grapevine as the Facebook thing was their final chance. I just wanted privacy to grieve and now there is all this. What do I do?