The worst sickness of my life!


I have never in my life ever been so sick. Pneumonia is no joke and I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy.

I went to my regular doctor 4 days ago and he told me I had a sinus infection. He gave me some antibiotics and a cough med. Which is all good and we'll except the cough meds is one that my obgyn says to stay away from during pregnancy. When I told the regular Doc this he literally said "you are far along enough now that it doesn't matter" this was a red flag for me.

Let me just throw this out here before I go any further. This doctor was filling in for my doctor that I would normally see because he was on vacation. Also, I swear this doctor was off his rocker and was far from professional about anything the whole time. He never listened to my heart or lungs, never checked my ears or anything like that. Which I thought was a standard thing that doctors do when you see them. (My regular doctor would've done all of those things as he does every time I see him for any reason, even if it doesn't have to do with the above said things)

So, I get my meds and asked my pharmacist about the cough meds and was told to contact my obgyn to make sure. I did that and the obgyn said do not take the cough meds but to take robitussin instead. So I take my meds and I'm not getting any better. Actually, I'm getting worse. My chest was so tight that I felt like I couldn't breathe. I would have coughing fits that made me almost throw up. Last night my husband took me to the er because the pain in my chest was so bad. The er doc saw me, listen to my chest and all that stuff and said I have walking pneumonia. He was glad I came in when I did because it can get very serious very quickly. They gave me a couple of breathing treatments and more antibiotics. They checked on baby for me and he is doing good. He sent me home with my promise that I would rest and take things easy. He also said that if I wasn't feeling better after 24hrs of taking my meds and breathing treatments to come back because then they would probably stick me in the hospital.

I woke up this morning and I feel so much better!!!

It's crazy how fast things can get worse and then crazy how fast they can turn around with the right treatment.

Sorry for the crazy long rant.