Really? That jealous? (Rant sorry)


I am 35+5 weeks pregnant. My boyfriend purposed to me Christmas morning :)!!

My cousin got engaged the day before I did.

Well we went to my mother on boxing day for Christmas dinner. The whole time she sat on the opposite side of the room giving us dirty looks and whispering to her man. I said congratulations to her on Facebook and she didn't say a damn thing to either of us.

So today I went on Facebook just to see and she has deleted me! Like honestly. I was happy for her and everything and she is being so stuck up and jealous over it I can't believe it. I have no sympathy for her about it. She is 19 and she has only been with him for 6 months. I am 23 and have been with my boyfriend for a year and a half. Its not like my SO planned on purposing just cause he knew her boyfriend was!