Help with advice please?!

Hey guys
So me and my partner (of 2 years) have been having un protected sex for awhile(I been on the pill (combined, and other contraception), always pulling out and I haven't got pregnant.
I was on the Depo (the injection that is a contraceptive) and this is gross but he came in me while I was on it and I still didn't fall pregnant.
Now, I'm off the Depo and on the pill (Noriday, it's not a mixed hormone one) and last night he accidentally got a little (but to me it was a lot) inside of me and I'm sort of scared
I'm 18 years old, old enough to be able to have kids but I'm still too young as well
Please if you guys have any info on:
•How long do I wait before taking a pregnancy test?
•If after all this time of being pulling out is there a possibility of either of us being infertile?
•And any other advice on this please?!