Starting to get discouraged 😢

My S.O. and I have been TTC for almost a year now, and nothing *sigh* I have crohns and PCOS I'm starting to get really frustrated with my body! It seems like everyone around me is pregnant, and I'm happy for most of them but its just so unfair, some of them didn't even try, or don't even want kids! One of my cousins is pregnant with her second (after 3mc's) and she's constantly complaining about how she doesn't even want her children! She loves them but she hates kids, she says she wants to abort them and is just having them for her husband... I just Dont even know anymore  I feel like I made sure I was responsible with all of my decisions as an adult to prepare for this! I've wanted children since I was a child! I'm a nurturer, I have never wanted anything more in my life and I just feel like its never going to happen for us :'( My S.O. and I just got Married yesterday on our 6Year 7Month anniversary we were middle school sweet hearts so we are young 21 & 22 but we are very responsible and have everything we need to support a child, so why? Why is this so hard for me? :'( I just needed to vent, sorry for the rant -_-