someone symptom spot with me

I got a bfn today :( am I out or does this look promising? 
Also I will say that my boobs always hurt the day of ovulation until AF starts. This was not the case this month. Also tell me your symptoms dpo
3-5dpo: cold symptoms. Very tired light cramping 
6dpo: boobs a little sore very tired light cramping
7dpo: same.... a little dizzy. Some cramping 
8dpo:cramping like af is going to show up. Dizzy peed a lot in the morning. 
9dpo: nothing much but I was soooo tired come 5 I HAD to have a nap. When I went to bed I was very sick to my stomach, had like acid reflux and felt dizzy. Peed a lot last night. 
10dpo: a little bit of cramping nothing bad. Peed a lot this morning 2times within mins. Hungry. Temp went up from 98.53 to 98.71. Boobs hurt a lot worse. Dry skin on stomach and hips. Also broke out some on my chest which never happens.